Thursday, June 08, 2006

Photographer Harrassment

Thomas Hawk keeps being harrassed for taking photos of a building at 45 Fremont St, San Fransico... I think its funny that America - home of the paparazzi, will let you take shitloads of pics of celebrities, but gets ultra-paranoid if you look twice at a building.

Read the blog account of his trials HERE

I've had this happen a few times, ironicly once while I was taking a pic of a Macca's, another time taking pics in a department store... obviosly thought I was either 1 - a competitor trying steal ideas from their layout, or 2 - a thief casing the joint. But least I wasn't assaulted or even told to leave... just told not to take anymore photos. Why are people so paranoid?!?!?!

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