Sunday, July 22, 2007

Ben Lee and the Naked Skateboarders

Here's the film clip that Ben Lee has to re-shoot... due to the fact that he actually had naked skateboarders in the streets of NY. Apparently the cops don't like that over there.... and yes, I do watch Rove.....

.... there should be more unicorns in music videos.

Michael Jackson's Film Clips

They don't make film clips like this anymore.... and MJ was the best.

part 1

part 2

Billie Jean

Smooth Criminal

Black or White

Remember the Time

Newest LOTR 12" Teaser

Although I don't collect this line at all, it's pretty exciting to see Sideshow has finally made some hobbits... and for once they've made a preview image that doesn't suck ass... poor Sam looks like he's got the whole fellowship's baggage, poor wittle hobbit

Gay Paris

This is an ad campaign for Paris.... that is one rugby game I'd pay to watch...

Simpson's Theme on 2 Guitars

For someone who is just learning to play the guitar, watching a guy like this is astounding...

Tokyo Dance Trooper

Movies of 2007

There has been some awesome movies this year.... outta the one's I've seen, this is how I'd rate them...
1. Transformers

This suprised me a lot, this is one I didn't think I'd care about at all.... but just for pure entertainment value, it gets my vote. The action- just when you think it couldn't get any bigger, it does... and the CGI is flawless. Who knew you'd actually care about huge chunks of metal?

2. 300

This was one I was definately looking forward to... even if it was just for the perve factor. This has some of the most stunning visuals ever put onto film, but the suprising thing was how the end had such an emotional punch... which was really unexpected. Who knew guys could achieve such a state of physical perfection.

3. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

This movie enchanted me, especially the whole Davey Jones' locker sequence. It was just a pure joy to hang out with these characters again, and to see the whole series wrapped up so nicely. I'd love to see more films, just leave Elizabeth and Will outta it.... their story is definately over.

4.Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

This is only this far down my list because there isn't much between all the movies so far... each one I've enjoyed immensely, and each one has suprised me with the risks and technical achievements. I find this installment by far the best in the Potter franchise so far... but, the only thing that distracted me - constantly - was how much they'd left out from the book. It makes it such a tight and suspenseful movie, but one is constantly reminded of what is missing... too many characters have nothing to do. The end sequence is absolutely fantastic... we finally get to see what adult wizards and witches are capable of.

5. Ocean's 13

I loved this movie.... I so think it really needs a second viewing to really enjoy the complexity of it... the only thing that lets it down is the end.... this far into the series you expect them to win... and there is no suprise when they do. Awesome cast, and the best use of Oprah in a movie yet.

6. Spiderman 3

Out of all the movies this year... gawd what a mess... from the musical numbers, emo Peter, poorly used Venom, at times horrid CGI - especially background elements, and the worst is how Spidey gets knocked around sooooooooo much and just shakes it off. For every brilliant thing in the movie, one of the flaws is waiting just round the corner to rip you out of the movie experience. The movie never really involved me from the get go, definately very disappointing.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Prison "Thriller"

These are 1,500 prisoners from the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center in Cebu, Philippines practicing Michael Jackson's "Thriller."

I can't believe they even have a "lady boy"... hehehehe

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Bad Sculpted Likenesses 4 : Gandalf

Here's something a bit different, Sideshow is releasing 2 Gandalf products....

As you can see... the Gandalf the Grey bust is pretty spot on, not quite an accurate likeness, but it captures the character extremely well. It mightn't quite be Ian McKellen, but it is definately Gandalf the Grey as portrayed in both the movies and the books.

Now... then there's The Gandalf the White PF... now admittedly the movie version wasn't quite what I was expecting (especially if you've seen the promo shot where you can see his knee high boots), but Ian made you believe in the character, especially since he didn't have any props like that hat or pipe to work with. With Gandalf the Grey, you can slap the hat and pipe on any old man with a beard and you end up with the iconic image of the wizard. The White Wizard depends a lot on the subtleties.

So Sideshow came up with this as a preview..... after waiting over a year since the last LOTR PF announcement.

Not only does it not look like Ian... it doesn't even capture the character. The face is ok... what really lets it down is the beard and hair. I've got the Luke and Yoda PF... and Sideshow went to special lengths to try out a new technique for the hair.... it has loads more detail than this effort. There is no where near enough detail, its way to clumpy. And why is the beard in perfect little waves!!!

In Sideshow's defence... it really is a bad pic to use as a preview. Not only does the photo cut off his forehead, which makes his face look longer, but in attempt to get detail in his hair his skin has turned out really dark in contrast. So it's really a combination of bad lighting and cropping.

I really hope I can update this with waaaaaay better pics when its on display at comic-con.

The Golden Compass

New Line expects this to be the next Lord of the Rings.... even the trailer says so.

Dunno about that, but the posters are beautiful.

Becks Gets a Coffee


Nup, but damn he looks fine....

Blanchett as Dylan??

The new movie "I'm Not Here" has multiple actors playing Bob Dylan.... and also Cate. It'll either work wonderfully or be absolutely craptacular.....

D'oh!!! Stupid Pagans!

PAGANS have pledged to perform “rain magic” to wash away cartoon character Homer Simpson who was painted next to their famous fertility symbol - the Cerne Abbas giant.

The 17th century chalk outline of the naked, sexually aroused, club-wielding giant is believed by many to be a symbol of ancient spirituality.

Many couples also believe the 180ft giant, which is carved in the hillside above Cerne Abbas, Dorset, is an aid to fertility.

A giant 180ft Homer Simpson brandishing a doughnut was painted next to the well-endowed figure today in a publicity stunt to promote The Simpsons Movie released later this month.

It has been painted with water-based biodegradable paint which will wash away as soon as it rains.

Ann Bryn-Evans, joint Wessex district manager for The Pagan Federation, said: “It’s very disrespectful and not at all aesthetically pleasing.

“We were hoping for some dry weather but I think I have changed my mind. We’ll be doing some rain magic to bring the rain and wash it away.”

She added: “I’m amazed they got permission to do something so ridiculous. It’s an area of scientific interest.”

She also expressed fears that the painting of Homer, from the animated television series The Simpsons, would cause a mess as it washed away.

During the Second World War, he was disguised to prevent the Germans from using him as an aerial landmark.

Since then he has always been visible, receiving regular grass trimming and a full re-chalking every 25 years.

Sex with a Pumpkin...

Well, why not really....

This is what's been missing from the Australian BB this year..... it's all so santitised, it's not really worth watching.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Click the pic for the crazy trailer of a mysterious movie that ran before Transformers in the US.

Check out the following websites that for clues:
Ethan Haas Was Right
Ethan Haas Was Wrong

More than anything its shit like this that gets me excited for a film....

...war came, no longer from the elemental nor from the star's rain of fire. The world was again remade, and the glow was as the coming of the sun upon the Earth. The children of the gods were again too few, scattered and divided and among them walked the ancients and those whose thoughts were not as to the towers and the marvels, but to the End and the destruction of the Earth and to the fires from which nothing could escape.
I'll try and keep you all up to date on any more info as it comes to hand.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Madonna's Live Earth Performance

"Hey You"

"Ray of Light"

"La Isla Bonita"

"Hung Up"