Lucas sure knows how to piss people off. When the announcement was made that the "Original" versions of episodes IV-VI were being made available on dvd, geeks everywhere rejoiced.
Until details emerged.....
"The short of it is that Lucas hates the way the original trilogy appeared back in the day, and appears to hate the fact that most fans prefer it that way. So, when he did those new SFX versions in the late nineties, he "taped over" the original negative. So how are they going to do a DVD transfer? Well, they're copying it directly off the Laserdisc copy they made way back when."
Apparently, they are not even a widescreen presentation and the sound is crappy too. I'm amazed that Lucas, despite showing how much he loves the saga - enough to spend 20 years of his life on it, could even consider letting the original trilogy out in such a state. Rather he's forcing the fans to like the "Special Editions" as they are the only decent looking versions they'll ever get. Sounds like Lucas has joined the Dark Side.....
Let me point you to two articles from "Ain't It Cool"
Rant explaining the crappiness of releasing the laserdisc transfer HERE
Rant from a disillusioned fanboy HERE
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