Friday, April 28, 2006

David out of the Closet!!

Big Brother's resident gay farmer has finally come out of the closet! Last night, after awkwardly fumbling his way through the housemates' speed dating task, David decided enough was enough and finally revealed his secret to the house and to Australia.

After dinner, David gathered the HMs together and told them he hadn't been completely honest with them since entering the House. "I've skipped questions and I've allowed you guys to assume things," admitted David.
"I wouldn't normally be speed dating where guys are on one side and girls are on the other," said David. "I'd be speed dating where guys are on one side and guys are on the other... I'm the token farmer and the token gay guy."
At this, the HMs all jumped to their feet to hug and reassure him - all of them, that is, except Camilla. She stayed seated on the couch, tears running down her face, claiming she felt deceived. Eventually David approached her to talk, explaining that he'd wanted to tell her all along but it had just been too hard for him. After a brief chat, Camilla gave David a big hug and assured him that all was forgiven. For more news click HERE

It's awesome to have a non-stereotypical gay role model in the house... he reminds me alot of myself actually. He's more normal than your average queen, in fact, most of the house had no idea, especially when there's a straight guy running around saying "it would be easier to be gay"

I'm really enjoying the first week of BB 06 so far... even tho there are no confilicts yet, they are all very interesting people, and the presence of BB's "insider" should make things extremely fun. BB seems to be building up to something, everything he does seems to have a consequence somewhere down the line... all the information collected during this week's task will be used in some way. He's messing with their heads already in subtle ways, and I'm sure the pressure will build :)

And here's some shower shots from BB 06....

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