There has been some awesome movies this year.... outta the one's I've seen, this is how I'd rate them...
1. Transformers

This suprised me a lot, this is one I didn't think I'd care about at all.... but just for pure entertainment value, it gets my vote. The action- just when you think it couldn't get any bigger, it does... and the CGI is flawless. Who knew you'd actually care about huge chunks of metal?
2. 300

This was one I was definately looking forward to... even if it was just for the perve factor. This has some of the most stunning visuals ever put onto film, but the suprising thing was how the end had such an emotional punch... which was really unexpected. Who knew guys could achieve such a state of physical perfection.
3. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

This movie enchanted me, especially the whole Davey Jones' locker sequence. It was just a pure joy to hang out with these characters again, and to see the whole series wrapped up so nicely. I'd love to see more films, just leave Elizabeth and Will outta it.... their story is definately over.
4.Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

This is only this far down my list because there isn't much between all the movies so far... each one I've enjoyed immensely, and each one has suprised me with the risks and technical achievements. I find this installment by far the best in the Potter franchise so far... but, the only thing that distracted me - constantly - was how much they'd left out from the book. It makes it such a tight and suspenseful movie, but one is constantly reminded of what is missing... too many characters have nothing to do. The end sequence is absolutely fantastic... we finally get to see what adult wizards and witches are capable of.
5. Ocean's 13

I loved this movie.... I so think it really needs a second viewing to really enjoy the complexity of it... the only thing that lets it down is the end.... this far into the series you expect them to win... and there is no suprise when they do. Awesome cast, and the best use of Oprah in a movie yet.
6. Spiderman 3

Out of all the movies this year... gawd what a mess... from the musical numbers, emo Peter, poorly used Venom, at times horrid CGI - especially background elements, and the worst is how Spidey gets knocked around sooooooooo much and just shakes it off. For every brilliant thing in the movie, one of the flaws is waiting just round the corner to rip you out of the movie experience. The movie never really involved me from the get go, definately very disappointing.
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