Sunday, February 25, 2007

Bad Sculpted Likenesses 3 : Frodo

Just by looking at Elijah, you'd think Frodo wouldn't be too hard to sculpt, but.....

The SSW statue proves that wrong... the mouth, nose and eyes are all wrong... and they're the main features that make up a likeness. I know his eyes are blue, but making that blue too bright or pale just leaves the sculpt looking like he just shit his pants..... yes Frodo was scared, but that's taking it too far.

The bust is alot better.... least its pleasing to look at. Does it look like Elijah though?? I think the eyes are waaaaaaay off, and the jawline doesn't help things either..... but its better than....

... the Premium Format Sculpt, which is a huge shame, 'cause I was going to get this. The main culprit here is the mouth... Elijah has a wide mouth, this has a cutesy baby-doll mouth. Coupled with the eyes (which are better, but far too cute), reminds me of a baby doll that pukes up after you feed it. I hate how that just because its a hobbit, the sculpt can't have any defined angles in it... especially in the jaw.... do they realise the actors who played these characters were actually.... umm.. err... MALE!!!

That brings us to the new diorama, with Frodo and Gollum struggling.

Yay!!!! we finally have a likeness worth producing!!!! And the scary thing is that this is the smallest piece of them all, yet the one that actually captures Elijah the best. Yes, he's angry, but I'd rather have a sculpt with a bit of emotion than any sort of cutesy, la la la little, itty bitty hobbitsy-wobbitsy, oops-I-shit-my-pants version any day....

.....tho the PF does have an awesome costume....

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