Woah... what an incredible experience. I vaguely remember Superman as a kid... never a big fan, but boy, did this movie transport me back in time. Loved the retro titles, the overall look of the film strongly reminds me of Burton's Batman... a vague suggestion of the time period. I must admit, the start of the film was a bit rough, it did take awhile to really capture me, but the last half really sucked me into this universe. Some of the story twists shocked me and the end went on a tiny bit long.... (didn't help that I needed a toilet break) So glad the original music is in the movie... its so iconic, that when it was played over those last images before the credits, I broke out into goosebumps.
I kept myself in the dark for this one.... no spoilers for me, and I was suprised on the journey the movie takes... nothing from the last half of the movie is even in the trailers. Awesome movie, can't wait to see it again!!
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