Friday, May 12, 2006

DVD Capture

Copyright Universal Pictures

Finally, after a few years, I worked out how to capture images from a DVD... turns out I had the program all along with the function built in.
It's always frustrated me how you never get really good photos of scenes from movies, especially those with SFX. I always thought it would be a great idea for some to licence screen grabs and sell them as art prints. I mean, how good would the obscure pic I grabbed from King Kong look blown up on a big canvas, especially for a vintage car enthusiast. I must admit, I have seen a company that offers some nice big Star Wars prints... even offering prints that will cover your entire wall like wallpaper. Awesome stuff.


Anonymous said...

hey xtj, it's joe......u know who i am. What program did u use to capture the image, i have the smae problem. i know my spelling sux as well.

jog (cmwhirters)

xtj said...

Hey Joe...(bad Jimi Hendrix pun) I've got a program on my computer called PowerDVD, where it came from I'm not entirely sure. The only thing I can think of is that it may have been downloaded off a dvd to run it. It would have been an old-ish dvd... maybe like the X-Files or something like that. Hope that helps and say "Hi" to the wifey :P