.... make me feel inadequate as a gay guy. What need is there for 4 racks of shoes? I have alot of clothes, but shoes? Nope... just a couple of pair that I wear into the ground.
A snippet from a conversation at work between two of my male co-workers.* We were discussing the colour pink and it went something like this....
"I don't have any pink shirts, only one I bought for an eighties retro party", said I.
"Wow, I've got more pink shirts than a gay guy", said co-woker #1.
"Speaking of colours, what do you think of that lime green?", said co-worker #2.
"What, that pastely type of green?", said #1.
"Yeah, that one... it looks pretty good, as long as you match it with the right colour", said #2
"You wouldn't want to wear the green with black pants", said #1.
"Nah, not black, was thinking about a brown, dark brown", said #2
"Yeah, It'd look tops with a chocolatey brown.... it would look really cool", said #1
At this moment I could not fathom this conversation any longer... I exclaimed (and pretty loudly too), "What is going on here?!?!?! You guys are gayer than me!!!"
No wonder there is so many single metrosexuals... that behaivour is designed to attract gay guys, not women. Has the world gone mad????
*Conversation changed to add comic effect, no offence intended towards the participating conversationalists.
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