A Scout Trooper Premium Format statue and a bronze Darth Vader were amongst the new collectibles announced today.... I'd love to get the speeder bike, but I'm afraid of how much it'll cost :(
... plus it looks very big!
Pop Culture Central - Films, Music, Art, Whatever....
Hastings (the Lennon's doorman) triggered an alarm that summoned the police and he rushed to John's side. The anguished doorman gently removed Lennon's glasses, which seemed to be pushing in on his contorted face. He struggled out of his blue Dakota jacket and placed it over Lennon. Then he stripped off his tie to use as a tourniquet, but there was nowhere to put it. Blood streamed from Lennon's chest and mouth. His eyes were open but unfocused. He gurgled once, vomiting blood and fleshy material.
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