Sunday, April 29, 2007

Pirates III : Character Designs

They had to expand the crew of the Flying Dutchman on the 3rd Pirates... here are some of the designs... Enjoy!!!!

“Wyvern Jack - Did some sketches early on to establish how much of him is withered away. Did some portraits to establish detail and experiment with his age. Tried variations where he looked 100 years old and encrusted. But it started moving away from being recognizable as Jack. Eventually settled on a Jack that was very crusty but not so aged.”

“Broondjongen - Final design by Model supervisor Geoff Campbell. His torso splits into open into a clamshell a withered figure contorted inside the clam in a death frieze. Like when a dominant twin will absorb it's sibling in utero and always has vestigial remnants of dead sibling.”

“Jelly - I tried to make his condition look corrosive and translucent. Looked at reference of Ebola where the skin begins to rash and liquify. The human bits you can see underneath the jellyfish membrane start to look like he was regressing back to an embryo. Like he was de-evolving. I looked at reference of chicken embryos developing in eggs. Also made one of Jelly's eyes entirely black and lifeless like he has an eight ball hemorrhage.”

“Manray - Elongated the tail on the back of his head. Almost like when a robber wears a stocking over his face and it pushes and pulls the features of their face flattening and distorting them. Gave him silver eyes and very small pupils to look like psychopath.”

“Piper - I tried not to give him specific eyes. Instead added many coral tubule holes to his face so to resemble many possible eyes like a spider.”

“Finnegan - Gore wanted him to have the coloring of a Rockfish. Very aggressive red spotting to compliment the sharp serrated fins on his body. We gave him a hair lip so he would have a perpetual distorted snarl. "

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Star Wars Archives

Here's a great new site dedicated to rare Star Wars memorabilia... everything from rare photos to recordings and CD-Roms. Its not finished yet, only having a large amount of stuff for when the original trilogy was released, but it aims to have something for every year from 1976 onwards. Visit it here:

BB Housemates Revealed Early

A dedicated Big Brother fan has found a glitch in Three’s Big Brother WAP site, which contains the names and photos of 20 housemates.

Aleisha, Andrew, Brodie, Cruz, Demet, Emma, Harrison, Hayley, Jamie, Joel, Kara, Kate, Rebecca, Sussanah, Thomas, TJ, Travis, and Zoran are expected to enter the house tomorrow night during the launch at Dreamworld.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

My New Blog: Stud Farm

My new blog is now open for business!!! I've got sooooo many pics of hot guys and gay porn on my 'puter, I decide to share them with the world.... Hope you like!!

Click for Stud Farm

Big Brother 07

Starts in 5 days!!!!! Above is an early shot of the backyard... the only glimpse so far of the house. Gretel usually previews the house and housemates on Rove, but due to the changed timeslot (2 days earlier than last year), the housemates weren't in lockdown. Gretel instead chatted about what she did in the off season and how donkey's have large ears. At least she seemed in very good spirits, she seemed extremely stressed after last year.

Below is the current blurb on the official site:

Click to enlarge

Now that the housemates are in lockdown, every adbreak seems to have a BB07 ad, giving out little snippets of info at a time. Apparently there is a 'white room' and more housemates than ever will go into the house... but they have an even bigger shortlist to choose from.

Happy days!!!!!

Prince and Planet Earth

There's much speculation over this image posted at is this a new album, song or tour?? Recently some lyrics were posted behind the image:

Imagine holding Planet Earth in the palm of your hand
With no regard for your place of birth or claim to any land
The only thing between us now is the truth we understand
If Planet Earth was in the palm of your hand
50 years from now what will they say about us here?
Did we care for the water and the fragile atmosphere?
There are only 2 kinds of folk and the difference that they make
The ones that give and the ones that take
Just like the countless bodies that revolve around the sun
Planet Earth must now come into balance with the one that caused it all to be
Then we'll see kingdom come, so shall it be written, so shall it be sung
Imagine you could rid the Earth of anyone you choose
Which ones would you need the most and which ones would you lose?
Do you want to judge another lest we be judged too?
Careful now... the next one might be you
Imagine sending your first born off to fight a war with no good reason
How it started and what they are fighting for
And if they're blessed to make it home will they still be poor?
Pray for peace right now and forever more

The Children of Hurin

This is an extended version of chapter XXI of The Silmarillion, a work that tells the stories of the world before Lord of the Rings. I'm looking forward to getting this soon. I wonder who will get the movie rights.... here's the trailer:

At World's End Poster

Can't wait for this one... very soon, along with Spidey 3... meh. I know which one will be better!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Ratatoullie Featurette

A great behind the scenes video.... this is starting to remind me of the old Tom and Jerry cartoons... and also the Baby Herman Cartoon from "Who Framed Roger Rabbit".... let's hope its better than "Cars".

Rohan Project Part 1

I had an idea awhile ago.... partly because of that photo of all the SSW LOTR shields that were displayed, but never produced. I had always wanted to display shields separately with my collection, similar to the helms. Unfortunately, the only example of a shield was the Rohan one, the one on the Rohirrim Bust was exactly the thing I had in mind.

It was getting to a stage where I was seriously contemplating buying an extra and hacking it off
What I eventually wanted to do was display the shield and the RRG Helm in a box frame, maybe with the Rohan flag in the background.

Anyway, I wasn't keen on destroying a collectible just for my benefit... that's when I remembered my tin of latex.....

So by carefully painted on thin layers of latex, letting them dry between each and progressively getting thicker with each layer, I ended up with molds of the shield and the helm.

This is the amount of detail I managed to capture with the latex... and it didn't damage the paint of either.... I must point out at this stage I had never done this before and was just going on instinct. If I was doing it again, I'd use a water-based lubricant/release agent to ensure an easier release from the object being cast.... I did find that the deepest detail did stick a little. I wasn't after a perfect cast anyway, so I didn't care that much really

Because latex is flexible, I needed something to keep the latex in the right shape... especially the helm, otherwise it would flatten and let the plaster run out when I poured the mould.... the cheapest and easiest thing I could find was Playdoh .... and yes, it just happened to be fluro red
Anyway, I went ahead and poured them with plaster... and if I did it again, I would've spent more time with the edges of the mold and made them nice and neat, 'cause it took me ages to file back the excess plaster.

After filing them back (even I was quite suprised at the amount of detail I got), they were ready for an undercoat.

I was a bit scared of painting.... but after studying the originals... and especially the helm, they have deceptively simple paintjobs. The helm really consists of two different colours for each metallic area and then a subtle highlight on the horse hair.

So heres the finished pics....

To Be Continued...........

Leonardo Walks on Water!!

Just had to share this cute piccy of my puppy, Leonardo, apparently walking on water.... may he save our souls :)

Get Smart Movie

USA Today has some tidbits about the GET SMART movie currently in production (Starring Steve Carell and Anne Hathaway in roles originated by Don Adams and Barbara Feldon – who I had a huge crush on back in the day), The Rock, Alan Arkin, and Terrence Stamp. Damn cool cast, there.

This from director Peter Segal (THE NAKED GUN 33 1/3, ANGER MANAGEMENT, and the upcoming SHAZAM!):

"We try to show the disconnect between government agencies as we saw right after 9/11 when the CIA and FBI weren't really communicating," Segal says. "We wanted to make sure we were politically satirical."

The article goes onto say:

The film updates the relationship between the two heroes, telling an origin story of how Smart became an agent and met 99. In this version, she is the veteran spy who takes the newcomer under her wing

You can read more about the film’s approach to its source material (as well as a few plot points) in the original article, HERE.

JT on Mads New Album!

British newspaper The Sun reports about Justin Timberlake busy writing songs for Madonna, after he revealed it himself on Hotfeature. The Sun says:

The former NSYNC star is collaborating with the Queen Of Pop on her forthcoming album, which is due out in November. Justin confirmed: "I have been working on some new music. But it's not for myself — I'm writing for other people. I’m working on some stuff for Madonna."

Justin headed into a West London studio yesterday with Madge.

He is in the country for a few weeks as he prepares to kick off the UK leg of his current world tour.

Madonna is famous for reinventing herself and this time her album will have a real hip-hop feel. She has lined up a Who’s Who of the genre's megastars, including Timberlake’s producer pal Timbaland to help her achieve R&B credibility.

Hip-hop legend Pharrell Williams is already working on at least four tracks and his fingerprints look set to be all over the new release.

Madge's last offering, Confessions On A Dance Floor, was a massive success, with Brit DJ and producer Stuart Price the main influence on the 2005 album.

There will also be some dancy Price-produced tracks on the new offering and she has also been joined by Chicago house DJ and producer Felix Da Housecat in the studio. A source told me: "Confessions was a worldwide smash — but this will be different once again. The last album was a credible disco record and Madonna wants to give hip-hop the same treatment this time. It’s not all hip-hop though, there are a lot of producers from a lot of genres in there. It could be her most ambitious project yet."

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Awesome Transformer Pics!!!!!

Click for bigger images

Now these have finally gotten me excited about the movie... all the robot designs have looked pretty crap... until you get them in the movie, these things look awesome!!! I actually want to see this now!

Ratatoullie Trailer

Madonna Weeps!!

Hot vandals climbed scaffolding to which the mesh advertising banner was attached, cut a hole in one of Madonna's eyes and poured paint through. The 250 square foot poster in London will be replaced at a tune of $12,000.
An investigation to find the culprits is underway.

This would make a great artwork!!!!