Pop Culture Central - Films, Music, Art, Whatever....
At last we have a "manly" portrait, where he doesn't look like his about to cry.... he looks like he could whoop some ass... but does it look like Viggo.... nup.
The is Aragorn going thru his "Fat Elvis" peroid.... yay, we've conquered the baddies, now I can eat shitloads and lounge around my courtyard. I've seen gay guys that look like this after too many years going out on the "scene" and have since settled down. Did Aragorn do too many 'party' drugs out in the wilderness?? And those little beady eyes make him look pretty suspect.
Back in ranger garb, this time made of plastic. You can just imagine him saying, "God, I'm sooooo depressed, will they ever get me to look anything like Viggo?"
Rumour has it that Viggo refused to have his likeness sculpted on these collectibles... still that's no excuse to offer us a random guy, Mr Depression 1981 and a fat gay guy as substitutes.
More to follow....
Is it me, or is Jake just a little too comfy doing drag... he's got the gestures and exaggerated lip movements down pat, all he needs now is make-up and a better dress....
...... and his arms look spectacular.
So much for the "don't ask don't tell" policy....
But I could watch them all day, they've got some damn fine moves on them...
The lesbian at work showed me this on her phone... I felt compelled to share it with all you folk out there. Trust me, the song is extremely catchy, you'll catch yourself humming it for the rest of the day.
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