Monday, November 27, 2006
Borat is Funny

Definately go see it, but be prepared to find something deeper under the funny exterior.
Meet Leonardo!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
More Hobbit Updates!

New Line's given reason for proceeding sans Jackson is that the studio's rights to the pic are about to expire, and seeing as the lawsuit with Jackson isn't moving ahead, well, the message was that New Line is.
All of this has riled MGM, which in recent weeks has been openly touting the fact that the newly revamped studio is serious about making "The Hobbit" -- with Jackson.
An MGM spokesman said that "the matter of Peter Jackson directing 'The Hobbit' films is far from closed."
Though New Line no-commented inquiries about Jackson's statement, the mini-major's move is a loud statement to both MGM and Jackson that the studio is in the driver's seat when it comes to "The Hobbit."
Jackson noted in his letter that New Line exec Mark Ordesky, who shepherded the "Rings" trilogy, explained that New Line is ditching Jackson because it has a "limited time option" on the film rights obtained from Saul Zaentz.
There are already online revolts from fans who can't fathom a "Hobbit" directed by anyone else, and Jackson makes clear in his letter that he's not budging on the issue of the lawsuit or "The Hobbit."
PJ Off The Hobbit!!

Dear One Ringers,
As you know, there's been a lot of speculation about The Hobbit. We are often asked about when or if this film will ever be made. We have always responded that we would be very interested in making the film - if it were offered to us to make.
You may also be aware that Wingnut Films has bought a lawsuit against New Line, which resulted from an audit we undertook on part of the income of The Fellowship of the Ring. Our attitude with the lawsuit has always been that since it's largely based on differences of opinion about certain accounting practices, we would like an independent body - whether it be a judge, a jury, or a mediator, to look at the issues and make an unbiased ruling. We are happy to accept whatever that ruling is. In our minds, it's not much more complex than that and that's exactly why film contracts include right-to-audit clauses.
However, we have always said that we do not want to discuss The Hobbit with New Line until the lawsuit over New Line's accounting practices is resolved. This is simple common sense - you cannot be in a relationship with a film studio, making a complex, expensive movie and dealing with all the pressures and responsibilities that come with the job, while an unresolved lawsuit exists.
We have also said that we do not want to tie settlement of the lawsuit to making a film of The Hobbit. In other words, we would have to agree to make The Hobbit as a condition of New Line settling our lawsuit. In our minds this is not the right reason to make a film and if a film of The Hobbit went ahead on this basis, it would be doomed. Deciding to make a movie should come from the heart - it's not a matter of business convenience. When you agree to make a film, you're taking on a massive commitment and you need to be driven by an absolute passion to want to get the story on screen. It's that passion, and passion alone, that gives the movie its imagination and heart. To us it is not a cold-blooded business decision.
A couple of months ago there was a flurry of Hobbit news in the media. MGM, who own a portion of the film rights in The Hobbit, publicly stated they wanted to make the film with us. It was a little weird at the time because nobody from New Line had ever spoken to us about making a film of The Hobbit and the media had some fun with that. Within a week or two of those stories, our Manager Ken Kamins got a call from the co-president of New Line Cinema, Michael Lynne, who in essence told Ken that the way to settle the lawsuit was to get a commitment from us to make the Hobbit, because "that's how these things are done". Michael Lynne said we would stand to make much more money if we tied the lawsuit and the movie deal together and this may well be true, but it's still the worst reason in the world to agree to make a film.
Several years ago, Mark Ordesky told us that New Line have rights to make not just The Hobbit but a second "LOTR prequel", covering the events leading up to those depicted in LOTR. Since then, we've always assumed that we would be asked to make The Hobbit and possibly this second film, back to back, as we did the original movies. We assumed that our lawsuit with the studio would come to a natural conclusion and we would then be free to discuss our ideas with the studio, get excited and jump on board. We've assumed that we would possibly get started on development and design next year, whilst filming The Lovely Bones. We even had a meeting planned with MGM executives to talk through our schedule.
However last week, Mark Ordesky called Ken and told him that New Line would no longer be requiring our services on the Hobbit and the LOTR 'prequel'. This was a courtesy call to let us know that the studio was now actively looking to hire another filmmaker for both projects.
Ordesky said that New Line has a limited time option on the film rights they have obtained from Saul Zaentz (this has never been conveyed to us before), and because we won't discuss making the movies until the lawsuit is resolved, the studio is going to have to hire another director.
Given that New Line are committed to this course of action, we felt at the very least, we owed you, the fans, a straightforward account of events as they have unfolded for us.
We have always had the greatest support from The Ringers and we are very sorry our involvement with The Hobbit has been ended in this way. Our journey into Tolkien's world started with a phone call from Ken Kamins to Harvey Weinstein in Nov 1995 and ended with a phone call from Mark Ordesky to Ken in Nov 2006. It has been a great 11 years.
This outcome is not what we anticipated or wanted, but neither do we see any positive value in bitterness and rancor. We now have no choice but to let the idea of a film of The Hobbit go and move forward with other projects.
We send our very best wishes to whomever has the privilege of making The Hobbit and look forward to seeing the film on the big screen.
Warmest regards to you all, and thanks for your incredible support over the years.
We got to go there - but not back again ...
Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh
Sunday, November 19, 2006

More Official Word on The Hobbit

The Hobbit: MGM chairman and chief executive Harry Sloan confirmed that MGM was in advanced talks with Peter Jackson to make two movies based on JRR Tolkien's "prequel" to "The Lord of the Rings."
The first would be a direct adaptation of The Hobbit, and the second would be drawn from "footnotes and source material connecting 'The Hobbit' with 'Lord of the Rings,'" he explained.
An MGM spokesman emphasized that negotiations with Jackson are still in progress, and that production isn't likely until 2008 or even 2009.
I Saw Kylie!!

The hotest guy was the one above, who did an incredible dance/acrobatic strip-tease... if anyone can find better photos, or any info about him, please leave comments :)
BTW, Kylie's voice was amazing and was helped by the fact she wasn't dancing as much as usually does in her concerts.

But we're here now, and all settled... still unpacking tho.
Old Ben Kenobi

Monday, November 13, 2006
Madonna's New Album!!

Madonna is working with Agnetha Faltskog and Frida Lyngstad from ABBA for her new album. Madge has already sampled the duo’s “Gimme Gimme Gimme” for “Hung Up” from her last album, “Confessions on a Dance Floor.”
A source close Madge said, “Madonna has been in contact with Agnetha and Frida for a few months. Madonna was the driving force behind the idea because she was so happy with her sample of Gimme Gimme Gimme on Hung Up. Agnetha and Frida loved it, they really warmed to Madonna for rejuvenating one of their most famous tracks.”
Recording is set to start in the next few weeks. There were rumours that the album would be released before the end of the year, but she bought a kid, so I guess that delayed things a bit.
Spiderman 3 Trailer with Venom!
Hope you enjoy this alternate unfinished trailer featuring the other villian Venom right at the end....
Hope you fanboys cream your pants over this one!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Britney's Divorce

TMZ Reports:
Britney Spears has filed a petition for divorce from Kevin Federline. Spears filed legal papers today in Los Angeles County Superior Court, citing “irreconcilable differences.” In her petition, Spears asks for both legal and physical custody of the couple’s two children, one-year old Sean Preston and two-month old Jayden James, with Federline getting reasonable visitation rights.
Britney Spears has filed a petition for divorce from Kevin Federline. Spears filed legal papers today in Los Angeles County Superior Court, citing “irreconcilable differences.” In her petition, Spears asks for both legal and physical custody of the couple’s two children, one-year old Sean Preston and two-month old Jayden James, with Federline getting reasonable visitation rights.
The two have been married since 2004. Their prenup is said to be iron clad and Britney is waiving her right for spousal support, of course. Britney gave the date of separation as November 6, 2006.
Don’t believe the Britney divorce. I’m sort of in with her circle of friends and I know for a fact she’s not going to leave him. She’s just doing this to scare him and gain some sympathy votes from the media. She went on Letterman, cause Kevin thought she was at the hotel crying over him. She is using the divorce to scare him. They are already talking to each other and texting all the time on their mobiles. She always threatened divorce on him and he never believed her. She’s hoping he will change his ways. I think she also knows that this can change her image and is using it. They will get back together. Shit, I wouldn’t be surprised if they are already back together.
See, I think it may be more of a PR move. Homegirl, saw how much positive attention Whitney Houston got and thought she’d join in the fun. Does she have an album coming out soon? I won’t believe it until the divorce is FINAL.
Who knows what to believe.....
Spiderman 3 Villians
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Sex in the City Movie

US OK! magazine reports exclusively that a studio source has confirmed that the long-postponed project is closer to becoming a reality after "substantial negotiations have opened with each of the stars' teams this week" Read More
Doogie Comes Out!

“The public eye has always been kind to me, and until recently I have been able to live a pretty normal life. Now it seems there is speculation and interest in my private life and relationships.
“So, rather than ignore those who choose to publish their opinions without actually talking to me, I am happy to dispel any rumors or misconceptions and am quite proud to say that I am a very content gay man living my life to the fullest and feel most fortunate to be working with wonderful people in the business I love.”
Thursday, November 02, 2006
King Kong EE is Here!!!

- Bloopers- 20 mins worth, edited really well
- Deleted scenes- 40 min worth... glad most of these weren't cut back in
- Behind the scenes doco... not so much cut into little pieces like LOTR - the best part of the package really.
- Commentary- only one unfortunately, but the one that matters - PJ and Phillipa give insight into the character motivations... and there seems to be a huge amount of completely CGI shots.
This is Kong how it should be presented.... it shows you how little the production diaries actually showed.
Rich Phillipe... Poor Reese

Not surprisingly, there is no prenup between Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillipe. Ryan could walk away with a shit load of cash. California law states that without a prenup, cash is divided equally.
Reese made $30 million for just two movies last year. Ryan makes around $2.5 million a film. Divorce filings are only days away. If Ryan’s alleged affair with Abbie Cornish turns out to be true, who knows if he’ll get anything.
Suddenly, Mr. Phillipe is starting to look a lot hotter and a lot bigger in the dick area. It’s funny how millions of dollars can make a dick suddenly grow a few inches.
Speed Racer

The Wachowski brothers are writing and will direct the movie, which will be produced by Joel Silver. The movie will be the duo's first directorial outing since completing the Silver-produced "Matrix" series in 2003.
"They are approaching these racing scenes in a way you've never seen before," said Silver, adding that the brothers are designing the movie's look as they write. Silver also said that unlike the more adult-oriented material of the Wachowskis' past -- "Vendetta," the "Matrix" movies and "Bound" were all rated R -- "Speed" will be family-friendly.
I used to watch this as a kid... not because I loved it, but because it was on. Over time it grows on you.... and that theme song is damn catchy, I've had it in my head all morning. In the nineties, there was a techno version of it, labeled the porno mix.... very funny indeed
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