Tuesday, October 31, 2006


QBoy riffs to The Malcontent about homophobia in hip-hop, the growing hip-hop scene in the queer community and stereotypical gay music.
"At the end of the day, if we keep calling hip-hop homophobic, casting a blanket over everyone involved in hip-hop, it will lead to problems with those very people who are in hip-hop and are presently open-minded about homosexuality," says QBoy in the interview. "We should be making allies with them, getting them on our side, not tarring them with same brush." He all sums it up perfectly when he says, "Masculinity is about being a man, not a straight man."
As much as I love all the standard gay music, my tastes are quite eclectic... I love my rock!!!! Its great to see a gay boy promoting a different music genre to all the fags out there.... even better to tackle a genre that the media promotes as black, gangsta music only.
Make sure you read the interview... and here's a video
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Steve Irwin on South Park
I wonder how many people this will offend....
I thought it was pretty funny tho.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Banksy Does Warhol

Street artist and pop culture prankster Banksy is probably the only artist I can think of who could copy a Warhol and get an extravagant price for it. Sotheby's described the bidding as "frenzied": "Originally valued at £10,000 they eventually fetched £50,000." And if Warhol were alive today, he'd probably approve.
If you caught the recent PBS American Masters documentary on Warhol, you might remember a clip where a reporter questioned Andy about the famous Brillo boxes. The reporter asked, "Why have you bothered to do that? Why not create something new?" Andy replied: "Because it's easier to do."
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Frankly... it was better to find out that stuff for yourself. And, no, I've never tried jerking with a banana.
Senator Rick Santorum compares Iraq to "Lord of the Rings":
As the hobbits are going up Mount Doom, the Eye of Mordor is being drawn somewhere else. (...) It's being drawn to Iraq and it's not being drawn to the U.S. You know what? I want to keep it on Iraq. I don't want the Eye to come back here to the United States.
In the LOTR, to draw the Eye away from Mordor, Gandalf and Aragorn led the army of Gondor to the Gates of Mordor to draw out Sauron's army and let Frodo sneak past them. This, they knew, was a suicidal move. As Gandalf said: "We must make ourselves the bait .... We must walk open-eyed into that trap, with courage, but small hope for ourselves." (Chapter IX, 'The Last Debate')
So the Senator is saying the US soldiers in Iraq are bait. They're there to die, just to keep terrorists' attention away from the US for a while.
'Halo' Lost?

Both of the studios had previously agreed to co-finance the project which had an original proposed $145 million budget before tax rebates, but talk was rampant this week that the film would exceed that amount significantly. Not helping was that the first large upfront payday by the studios to Microsoft was due this week.
Reps for producer Peter Jackson deny the budget blowout claims. They say the backouts came when Universal, acting on behalf of both studios, asked the filmmakers to significantly reduce their deals in order to move forward with the film - an offer which Jackson, Microsoft and Bungee (the game designers) declined.
Microsoft is already in talks with other distribution partners, and prep work on the film continues.
Robbie's Hairy Ass

At last night's MTV Latin America Awards in Mexico City, Robbie Williams showed us his better side. As always and not surprisingly, he mooned one of his fans. After his performance, Robbie made eyes at his female fan and then turned around and showed her his hairy ass. He then hugged and kissed at her.

I wanna know why he didn't turn around and show off the cock....
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Madonna Speaks...

My husband and I began the adoption process many months prior to our trip to Malawi. I did not wish to disclose my intentions to the world prior to the adoption happening as this is a private family matter. After learning that there were over one million orphans in Malawi, it was my wish to open up our home and help one child escape an extreme life of hardship, poverty and in many cases death, as well as expand our family.
Nevertheless, we have gone about the adoption procedure according to the law like anyone else who adopts a child. Reports to the contrary are totally inaccurate. The procedure includes an 18-month evaluation period after which time we hope to make this adoption permanent. This was not a decision or commitment that my family or I take lightly.
I am overwhelmed and inspired by my trip to Malawi and hope that it helps bring attention to how much more the world needs to do to help the children of Africa.
My heartfelt thanks for all the good wishes I have received and I hope the press will allow my family some room for us to experience the joy we feel to have David home.
Madonna Ritchie October 17, 2006 London, England
Sunday, October 15, 2006
SexyBack is Gay...

Hip-hop producer Timbaland, who duets with Justin on his hit single, thinks the song can make a straight man question his sexuality.
Timbaland told Blender magazine, "Some people listen to a song like 'SexyBack' and think, am I queer? Am I funny? If you are that way, you're just that way. But if you're a masculine man, embrace it. Have a glass of wine, put the record on and invite your girl over to get sexy."
So if you think you're turning to the Gay side.... get pissed and screw a chick. Very charming.
The Departed

Recently saw the latest Scorcese flick, and I loved every second of it. Extremely violent in parts and yet at the same time, quite humourous. Leonardo, Matt and Jack are excellent, but the true stand out is Mark Walberg.... his character is very entertaining. I hadn't even heard much about the movie, but it involves you right from the start, despite its unusual narrative style. Be aware though, there are some homophobic and racist slurs, such as 'nigger', 'fucking homos', 'fucking queers' and 'two-faced faggot'. A bit full on, but so is the violence - which had a bigger impact than some words used. Put it this way, if your offended by words, don't see the movie... however, I find it strange that some people have focussed on that, rather than the in your face violence... which I found way more confronting.
The previews attached on the movie were quite good... a couple I'm looking foward to - The Prestige, Children of Men and A Scanner Darkly.
French and Saunders do LOTR
This has been a favourite of mine for the longest time, I finally found it on the tube to share with everyone. Just wish I had a better copy of the entire show. Enjoy!
Monday, October 09, 2006
Hobbit Update: MGM Speaks!

After announcing that MGM wanted to make The Hobbit, and Peter Jackson stating that no studio has even approached him about it... here's a bit of encouraging news.
There has been an online petition to get The Hobbit made... that petition, with the 39116 signatures accumlutated at the time of printing, was delivered to the studios along with a copy of MrCere's open letter to the studios. No response from New Line at all... but MGM had something to say:
Dear organizers of The Hobbit Petition:
We would like to give you the official statement from Rick Sands, COO of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. Feel free to pass this along to your members and affiliated web sites. Thank you and please see below:
"Peter Jackson's phenomenal success with The Lord of the Rings trilogy makes him the first and most ideal choice for directing The Hobbit," said MGM COO Rick Sands. "MGM would be thrilled to collaborate with the Academy Award-winning director on this MGM New Line Cinema production. And, I'm sure to the delight of the 50,000 filmgoers who have petitioned us in recent weeks, demanding we bring this film to fruition, we have had a few initial conversations about the project with Mr. Jackson's representatives."
Best regards,
Theo Dumont
Manager of Public Relations
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc.
Hopefully PJ can squeeze this into his schedule somehow.... he's keen on making two movies so he can flesh out parts of the story and make it a more mature piece... instead of following the book's child friendly tone. I'll definately keep you all updated!!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
What is Bush's Job???
It's great to see that Americans are as confused about President Bush's job as the rest of the world is... George explains in his own words... with an interpretation by the wickedly funny Jon Stewart.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Toilet Humour
This film is MALE RESTROOM ETIQUETTE directed by Overman, and it uses the SIMS 2 game engine for its graphics. The 10-minute film starts off as a mock-instructional film but winds up documenting the world's toilet apocalypse....
Something tells me the creators have been chatted up in a loo before...