Friday, March 31, 2006
"V" Mask for Sale

Thursday, March 30, 2006
V for Vendetta

What can I say... an extremely intense intriguing movie with some extremely powerful moments. Let's all hope that goverments in the future aren't like this. It's a movie of our times, warning us of the perils that could lie ahead. More than that, it feels extremely real. You would never have thought that the Wachowski Brothers were involved in this.... gone are the crappy cgi and action... next to no bullet time and blood actually flows, you feel the pain inflicted. This is up there with Se7en, Kong, Fight Club and LOTR... the only few movies that for me have made a real impact that you can still feel for an hour after leaving the theater. Hugo Weaving is incredible as "V", never once do you feel he is wearing a mask and that his lips aren't moving. Amazing too is Natalie Portman, she proves she can act... pity George Lucas couldn't show us that.
Definately a movie to see more than once on the big screen.... go and fuckin' see it!
Love is like the sky
U know, it never stops"
"Love", Prince, 3121
A new Prince album.... a classic? Nah, but not bad either. Its no where near as derivative as some of his recent work, which seemed to sample his stuff from the 80's. This disc however, shows Prince experimenting again, instead of using the same sorta sounds as usual, he's actually playing and creating something that sounds contemporary. It'd be great if he could actually put his trust in someone else and re-invent his music.
The music is very synth driven on this album, a refreshing change, as I thought he must have thrown his out in the early 90's. Anyway, the stand out tracks for me are:
The Word
Black Sweat
BTW, congratulations Prince on your first #1 album since 1989's Batman!
Saturday, March 25, 2006

Garfield was one of my fave comics when I was a kid... till I got a bit older and realised that Peanuts kicked Garfield's ass. This point is proven above.... what a sad man Jon is (Garfield's owner) especially when you take away all Garfield's thought balloons... I mean, Jon is really talking to himself, right? What a sad, sad man......
New Goldfish :)
Thursday, March 23, 2006
We Have a Deck!!!!

Yay!!!! we have a deck again... apart from the waterproofing issues, you can tell the old deck (top) really needed a makeover. It looks so much better now that its finished, all we have to do now it put all our furniture back out there.... and that is today's job... not the funnest way to spend days off. :(
Toby RIP
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Kong vs Rex is in da HOUSE!!!!!!

After having it on laybuy for 3 months.... I finally got this sucker home... and boy, is it heavy. I thought my Sauron box was heavy, but this is worse. I picked it up during my lunch break and struggled to carry it back to work. I could deal with it being heavy, but the box is huge as well, making it very awkward to carry. To make matters worse, the guys at the toyshop had covered it with big plastic bags... basically wrapped it with them, 'cause there is no way you'd find a bag big enough. I had to scum a ride with a co-worker, just so I could get the thing home.
All that was worth it tho, incredible sculpture, impressive size and definately the star of my collection so far. Just wish I could post some pics of it, but alas, the lighting here is terrible atm. Tried some pics with a flash last night, but I couldn't keep the camera still as my arms were trembling slightly from carrying the thing. Was hoping for pics this morning, but the sun's still behind clouds. Have no fear, I will post pics as soon as I can. :)
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Deck Up-date
Hmmmm.... still not finished, was supposed to be yesterday, that's why we got outta the house for the day. They have laid most of the deck, however, the builders discovered that the deck wasn't built very well the first time. All the joists had warped, and nothing was square anymore, so they had to measure and cut every length of timber.... a pain in the ass when you've got 40 square meters to lay. Hopefully we'll have our deck back and finished by Monday afternoon *crosses fingers*

Perfect end to a perfect day....
Ended up going up to the Sunshine coast hinterland with my boyfriend... ended up at the Eumundi Markets.... absolutely huge, its on twice a week and absolutely takes over the town. I'm sure that's what keeps the town alive and prosperous. It's amazing to see such creativity in a small town, highly recommend it. www.eumundimarkets.com.au
Almost bought a helm of Elendil... very well done, except it was completely rusted, no sure if it was supposed to be like that or not. The guy had a heap of swords there as well, quite a few LOTR replica's ... very well done, maybe not quite film accurate, but you could see the talent that went into them.
For lunch, went to nearby Maleny... found this nice coffee shop called "Maple 3"... nice simple food, and great to sit down after all that wandering. I love this part of the world, up in the ranges, beautiful views... almost like the Shire... except higher and you can just see the ocean on the horizon :)
All in all a great day, especially seeing tho St. Pat's day for me was a bit of a right-off. Was going to go drinking with a few work mates, one had to work unfortunately, the other bailed half-way through. I did get my first taste of Guinness tho... nice when cold, horrid aftertaste. Ended up drinking by myself at my local, the Wickham. Got pretty trashed, so not a complete waste of a day.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Movie News

Also coming soon is the dvd of King Kong... I absolutely loved this movie, everything a movie should be, well in my eyes anyway. Kong received an Empire award for best movie and they've posted PJ's acceptance speech online. It's filled with bloopers, out-takes and a few alternate scenes. And at the end PJ confirms Weta is working on the Extended Edition as we speak.
Caution... video filled with swearing... and I absolutely love it.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

can be such a pain in the ass at times. We are just about to have our deck ripped up, as they didn't waterproof under it properly when they built our apartments on the roof level. So the poor guy who owns the apartment underneath has alot of water leaking through his ceiling every time it rains. To actually be able to waterproof the area properly, ripping up our decking is the only option. This would be all good if the building manager could organise things properly. For example, work is due to start tomorrow, but she rang us Monday to tell us the workman should be here to start work soon. Bit hard for them to start when we hadn't cleared the deck yet. So the last 2 days has consisted of clearing everything from the deck... lotsa fun when we have so much stuff out there like a BBQ, outdoor furniture and my rather large bonsai collection.
I got my one surviving goldfish Toby in an ice-bucket upstairs, our funiture in a storeroom on our level and my plants inside next to me on the floor. Watch this space for further updates....
Mashup Matrix, LoTR, Star Wars and Harry Potter and win!
Free Culture @ NYU's Film remix contest is open for submissions! FC @ NYU wants you to use original footage from The Matrix, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, or Harry Potter to make a parody short film of 5-8 minutes. Think of it as giving these classic films the "Shining" treatment while promoting fair use of copyrighted work. We're planning on screening the best shorts at an event at the end of April, as well as hosting them online. Please check out our page for instructions, rules, and examples of what we're looking for. The contest is open to anyone who can get us a parody by April 14th 2006. Link
Originally posted on http://www.boingboing.com
Originally posted on http://www.boingboing.com
Monday, March 13, 2006
Simpsons Live Action Intro

Just found this rather clever re-make while surfing the net.... hope you enjoy!
Big Gay Day!!!

Had the best time yesterday at Big Gay Day... didn't quite get off my tits, but an enjoyable day was had none-the-less :)
For those who don't know, Big Gay Day is Brisbane big party the week after Sydney's famous Mardi Gra. Alot of party goers travel up to Noosa, and then drop back into Brisbane for one final party before going home. The crowd this year was huge, as the main act was the Rouge Traders. http://my.toast.com.au/2005/10/natalie-bassingthwaighte-from-rouge.html
The atmosphere was electric with approx 15 thousand people packed into the small streets surrounding my local pub, the Wickham... it was definately a day to celebrate :)
Sunday, March 12, 2006
RIP Jake

Woke up this morning.... beautiful clear sky, really happy and excited...
Walked outside to my garden and noticed one of my poor goldfish had died in the night. Jake had died from natural causes (well, I hope so anyway)
Here is a pic to commemorate the death of the poor aquatic bastard. May he rest in peace in fishy heaven.
The First Post!!
Finally got around to getting a blog, hopefully something I can use to organise my thoughts and any little projects I have going at any one moment.... and something I hope everyone else will find interesting. Welcome to my little spot on the web.... :)
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