Hope you all have a happy and peaceful new year!!!!
Pop Culture Central - Films, Music, Art, Whatever....
2007 Production roster arrived today at the UK's WB marketing slate for 2008. What stuck out the most was a production called Shaolin Cowboy by the WB. Now after a few hours of investigating with our LA team it turns out that Shaolin Cowboy (The Wachowski brothers first comic book title released last year) is a covert name for SPEED RACER to be directed by the Wachowski Brothers(Hence the WB initials). Now in the slate doc it showed clearly in capital letters the name of Keanu Reeves under the main title. Not only does this show that NEO (A.K.A Keanu) is reteaming with the Matrix team but seems to be the main role.
This is an onfficial promo video of the new Beatles "Love" album... I know its the trippiest song they ever produced, but what's with all the crappy, acidy patterns. It doesn't look like a trip, it just looks like it was slapped together by someone whose never taken a drug in their life. I mean, the whole thing is just cliched... all done before.
This video, however, uses the same songs (plus a few extra) and manages to feel very druggy, and very 60's... so what that it doesn't show the Beatles, I'm sure you could composite them in somewhere. Least with the last lot of Beatles music released, they put some effort into the videos... "Real Love" and "Free as a Bird" had awesome videos... very complex ones for when they were made actually. Not this crap that looks like it was knocked off in an afternoon.
I wonder how many people this will offend....
I thought it was pretty funny tho.
Senator Rick Santorum compares Iraq to "Lord of the Rings":
As the hobbits are going up Mount Doom, the Eye of Mordor is being drawn somewhere else. (...) It's being drawn to Iraq and it's not being drawn to the U.S. You know what? I want to keep it on Iraq. I don't want the Eye to come back here to the United States.
In the LOTR, to draw the Eye away from Mordor, Gandalf and Aragorn led the army of Gondor to the Gates of Mordor to draw out Sauron's army and let Frodo sneak past them. This, they knew, was a suicidal move. As Gandalf said: "We must make ourselves the bait .... We must walk open-eyed into that trap, with courage, but small hope for ourselves." (Chapter IX, 'The Last Debate')
So the Senator is saying the US soldiers in Iraq are bait. They're there to die, just to keep terrorists' attention away from the US for a while.
My husband and I began the adoption process many months prior to our trip to Malawi. I did not wish to disclose my intentions to the world prior to the adoption happening as this is a private family matter. After learning that there were over one million orphans in Malawi, it was my wish to open up our home and help one child escape an extreme life of hardship, poverty and in many cases death, as well as expand our family.
Nevertheless, we have gone about the adoption procedure according to the law like anyone else who adopts a child. Reports to the contrary are totally inaccurate. The procedure includes an 18-month evaluation period after which time we hope to make this adoption permanent. This was not a decision or commitment that my family or I take lightly.
I am overwhelmed and inspired by my trip to Malawi and hope that it helps bring attention to how much more the world needs to do to help the children of Africa.
My heartfelt thanks for all the good wishes I have received and I hope the press will allow my family some room for us to experience the joy we feel to have David home.
Madonna Ritchie October 17, 2006 London, England
This film is MALE RESTROOM ETIQUETTE directed by Overman, and it uses the SIMS 2 game engine for its graphics. The 10-minute film starts off as a mock-instructional film but winds up documenting the world's toilet apocalypse....
Something tells me the creators have been chatted up in a loo before...
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